Original page design from http://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/ by Edeon Vails.
MyAnimeList Forum: https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1726107
List CSS and adaption by MurakumoJP.
On the List page, do the following. https://myanimelist.net/editprofile.php?go=listpreferences
Anime List
Manga List
After setting the list, go to the list Style Design page and move the slider from classic to modern. https://myanimelist.net/ownlist/style
Go to your list style editing page, and turn off these options.
On the same page, in the Add Custom CSS field, paste the code shown below.
@\import "https://malscraper.azurewebsites.net/covers/auto/presets/dataimagelinkafter";
@\import "https://murakumo-jp.github.io/MyAnimeList-CSS/Eorzea_Collection/Eorzea_Collection.css";
If you want to change the images in CSS then paste this after the code and replace the links to your.
I recommend images with resolutions of 1053px250
.list-container .cover-block {
background-image: url("your images") !important;
Edit Color
--color: #Your color;